Thank you
In addition to the 862 paying supporters, I'd like to thank some people who have donated their valuable time to help test and refine SichboPVR over the years.
❤ Lisa
I'm especially grateful to my Lisa who encourages me each day to keep going with SichboPVR. She's my inspiration who gives me new perspectives and shares her keen eye for interface design.
Brendan Blatchford
Brendan has been my main "audio guy" helping to debug issues around bitstreaming as well as other anomalies.
Dan Rajf
Dan corrected a lot of Czech translations for v4 and provided testing feedback.
Bruno Eurich
Bruno has been an enormous help with testing v3 as well as v4, providing lots of feedback, memory dumps and tracking down problems with display drivers.
Eric wishes to be anonymous but has fixed a lot of the French translations in v4.
Ian Clegg
Ian was one of the very early adopters of v4 and has provided useful test reports and feedback.
Igor Udot
Igor created the Ukrainian language pack and provides regular updates.
Jack Napier
Jack's been a supporter since the very early days of SichboPVR version 1.0, waaaaaaay back in 2008. He's stuck around right through v4 and continues to be a great source of help.
Jiří Adámek
Jiří fixed many of the Czech translations, provided suggestions, and thoroughly tested SichboPVR 4 for Czech DVB-T2.
Karel Sládeček
Karel has provided a lot of encouragement and incredibly helpful testing and feedback for v4.
Michal has fixed many of the Polish translations for v4.
Q has meticulously corrected all of the Chinese Traditional translations in v4 as well as some of the website.
Graciously donated their professional translation skills for Italian.
Richard Bartlett
Richard beared the brunt of version 4's particularly gnarly nightly builds, which I hadn't dared foist upon the main group of pre-alpha testers. He's provided countless memory dumps and samples and been an enormous help.
Steve wishes to be anonymous but did much of the v3 UK testing a few years ago and continues to provide helpful v4 suggestions today.
Tony Shubrook
Tony helped to test and make sure that Freesat works nicely in v4 and provided quality feedback and suggestions throughout 2020.
김용성 has corrected Korean translations for v4 and provided testing feedback.
Version 3 Translators
Bulgarian: 123bg, Vladislav Zlatev
Catalan: danielpc2010, Dani Méndez, Carles Cantenys
Chinese: Lemon, tungxfung
Croatian: Darko
Czech: Jan Kopic, Zdenek Brichacek, Tomáš Augustin, nejento, kudla188, Dan R., guido, IntEx, Tom, Alexander Pulpan, Cheb
Dutch: w8andc, Elbeke
Estonian: zzomm
Finnish: Kalevi Korppi, Mattu, Jarkko Räsänen, Matias Karhumaa, Heli
French: r4dius, Raphaël, didier, Vincent, Nick0las, snoop83, Chrisk, aurélien, AdvanS3b
German: DaZoB, Dominik, q-finger
Greek: TranGR
Gujarati: teo
Hebrew: ishayle
Hungarian: Timi, Peti, expa, Vaszkó Dániel
Italian: CristianLivella, CyberMirk, pozz94, Hexaae, franz, Andrea, Simone, MatteoB
Japanese: tarotaro8, James
Korean: JH Ahn
Latvian: Lauris
Lithuanian: Remigijus Timukas, Remigijus
Macedonian: Aleksandar Trajchevski
Maori: Aleksandar Trajchevski
Norwegian: Imre Kristoffer Eilertsen
Persian: HosseinR8, milad, Shapur, HossenR8, Aliakbar, Hossein Rakhshani
Polish: ChuckMichael, Portolan, Kriz, seba4000, kb79, Amet, Koni Grochal
Portuguese: SCYPT, rickyunic, joba
Russian: Serge, kosilko, Terrorizmo, buschuew
Slovak: PeterS, ErqueX
Slovenian: Franc Gorenc
Spanish: Txelu, PRM, Juan M Sosa, danielpc2010, ijinkli, Carlos Martínez, VanKoh, Maximiliano Veron, JB, yupi23
Swedish: Kontrollrummet
Thai: smartendude
Tonga: Terrorizmo
Turkish: Osman Cozmo, Sercan Süerkan
Ukrainian: Ukrainian
Vietnamese: Wanara
Galician: danielpc2010